All year, all youths.

Minyan's inclusive programs are open whenever need is close

Boys Girls

Yeshiva Fund

Led by R' Shneur Olshin, the yeshiva program helps our boys get to the best Yeshiva for them to grow and succeed. Covering expenses from travel and tuition to daily living expenses.

$250,000 Annually

Lag Baomer

We host a community-wide bonfire event.

$30,000 Annually

Night Seder

Nightly learning under the direction of R' Yaakov Bess. At the end of a successful zman, we celebrate with a road trip.

$50,000 Annually

Israel trip

An annual, uplifting trip with our rabbis, mentors, and current members, where we visit Minyan boys in yeshiva.

$40,000 annually

Thursday Night

The boys enjoy quick words of wisdom by a guest speaker while enjoying cholent and kugel.

$10,000 Annually

Ski Trip/Shabbaton

An incredible incentive trip for boys who participate in our night seder program

$20,000 Twice yearly

Shabbos Living Room

During the summer months, our Shabbos afternoon living room provides a healthy environment for hanging out with mentors.

$15,000 Annually


Inspirational weekends spent with mentors and alumni, where our teens often keep Shabbos for the first time. The occur once during the winter and twice in the summer.

$19,500 Annually

Holiday Events

Each chag, we have an event. On Purim, it's a fun and energetic party in a safe and secure environment. On Shavuos night, our mentors provide learning, shiurim, and food throughout the night. On Sukkot, we hold a Simchat Beis Hashoeiva event. And on Tisha B'Av, we offer an inspiration day, filled with davening, speeches, and a meal to break the fast.

$175,000 Annually

Summer Road Trip

An incredible incentive trip for boys participating in the night seder program.

$50,000 Annually


Learning stability, strength & discipline.

$5,000 Anually

Sports Viewing Parties

Watching big sports games on the big screen, in a positive environment close to home.

$4,000 Annually

Game Room

Yossi's game room provides fun and entertainment in a safe and healthy environment.

$15,000 Annually

Daily Meals/Breakfast & Dinner

Daily breakfast and dinner, feeding mind, body, & soul.

$130,000 Annually

Daily Minyanim

Shacharis and Mincha twice a day, plus Maariv.

Parental Support Groups

Providing support for parents through speeches.

$500 Monthly

Private Mentoring

Our mentor are best friends and confidants, providing support 24/7.

$4,000 Monthly

Job Placement

Finding gainful employment for our members with the help of the businesses in our community.

$250 monthly per kid

Home Placement

Everyone deserves a place to live, a place to feel safe and secure on a daily basis.

Per person per month $1,200

Educational/School Placement

School and yeshiva placement, as well as covering tuition.

$15,000 Per person


When this step is necessary, we will help make it happen.

$150,000 Annually


Twice a year, we bring all the girls together. Once for an in-town Shabbos, and once in a hotel. We have inspirational speakers, good food, and all around fun. This promotes comradery and further deepens the relationship between the girls and their mentors

$30,000 Annually

Midwinter Trip

We take the girls on a trip during midwinter break in order to develop a mentor relationship and continuously develop comradery amongst the girls.

$3,000 Annually

Holiday Events

Each chag, we have an event. This includes is a Chanukah party, a Chol Hamoed trip, and speeches before Tisha B'Av or Yom Kippur.

$7,000 Annually

Shabbos Program

During the summer months, we're open for a few hours each Shabbos. We provide incentives for showing up & keeping Shabbos. The girls hang out, play games, and enjoy nosh and Seuda Shlishit.

$5,000 Weekly

Israel Trip

Girls who raise a certain amount of money during the Lag Baomer raffle get treated to a trip to Israel with some mentors. The focus of the trip is to visit the alumni in seminary.

$20,000 Annually


Evening activities and crafts daily, in a safe and fun environment.

$800 Per month


Dinner provided for girls who may not get it anywhere else.

$800 Per month

Living Room

A place to call home, a place for our girls to come chill and just be themselves



Our mentors are there for the girls during drop-in hours and even after hours to talk, take them out and support them in any way they can


Therapy Program

Therapy services, as needed.

$50,000 Annually

Crisis Intervention

Available to meet with parents and their children in times of crisis.

School Placement

Finding appropriate schools and providing funding for tuition, seminars and the like.

Rehab Placement

We find centers and fund rehabilitation for emotional issues as well as addiction issues.

$20,000 Annually

Little things make big things possible

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